Cory Rylan

My name is , Google Developer Expert, Speaker, Software Developer. Building Design Systems and Web Components.

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Thoughts On Large Mobile First Responsive Project

Cory Rylan

- 1 minute

These are just some of my thoughts after working on a large mobile first responsive design project. These are some key points or highlights that I feel were most important in the project construction.


  • Ensure a designer or dev with design experience designs features not devs or clients to prevent poor typography and missing design fundamentals
  • Include front end engineers with the design aspects to be an advocate for performance but able to contribute to the design
  • Wire frame the html and css mobile first then upwards defining your breakpoints
  • Build all html and css then pass on to backend dev team to hook up to sever, allows clean markup and eliminated repetitive styles
  • Have style guide created with html and css before project begins.
  • Do not allow client to make last minute design changes, causes rendering bugs to be introduced unexpectedly


  • Use SASS, helps keep your code DRY
  • Only 1 to 2 people on Styles ( CSS, SASS, LESS) ( issues will duplicate styles and poor render performance ) or Module out your application between designers


  • Design mobile first and performance first
  • Have a Performance Advocate
  • Set performance rules and guidelines and follow thoroughly
  • Set support guidelines such as minimum browser requirements for your application
  • Be very cautious of browser sniffing as it add code complexity and can bite you later ( Bad sniff ). Feature detection is always better.
  • Ensure that your server side framework compliments your front end code and does not work against it. If so then change it.
  • Use progressive enhancement to build site resilience to failure such as lack of features or graceful degradation.
  • Have no Javascript fall-backs for at least key features. Not just for no js users but for network resilience such as js failed to load because of weak mobile network.
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