Cory Rylan

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Domain-Driven Design for UI Components, Improving Consistency and Quality

Cory Rylan

- 13 minutes

In an organization with inconsistent code quality and best practices, applying Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles can bring much-needed structure. This is especially true for reusable UI component libraries, which often suffer when business logic and inconsistent patterns creep in. DDD offers a way to enforce clear boundaries and a shared understanding of the domain, without stifling collaboration or agility. Below, we explore how DDD can help and practical tips to introduce it smoothly.

Enforcing Boundaries to Mitigate Churn and Instability

One major benefit of DDD is the introduction of well-defined boundaries and APIs between different parts of the system. In DDD terms, these boundaries are often called bounded contexts – each context encapsulates a portion of the business and has a clear interface (API) for interacting with other contexts. By designing explicit interfaces and domain boundaries, you create a more stable structure that localizes the impact of changes. For example, an Open Host Service (a DDD pattern) suggests providing a stable API that hides internal changes from clients (domain driven design - Formalizing Open-Host service - Stack Overflow). This means teams can refactor or improve the internals of a component or service without breaking everything that depends on it. The result is less thrash and reduced "churn" across the organization because changes in one area are less likely to cascade into others.

From a UI component library perspective, this might mean each component or group of components has a well-defined API and responsibility. If the organization is undergoing frequent changes (people moving teams, requirements shifting), having these clear-cut boundaries acts like shock absorbers. When new developers come in or teams restructure, they can understand the system via its published APIs and domain modules, instead of diving into a tangled codebase. This structured approach also aligns well with team boundaries: ideally, each team can own a domain context and its components, focusing on their part of the system. In practice, when the domain cuts line up with team ownership, developers don’t need to keep the whole system in mind all the time, which "reduces cognitive load and leads to more focus, fewer errors, and shorter lead times" (Your Architecture as a Crime Scene! Forensic Analysis for Your Angular Solutions - ANGULARarchitects). In short, clear boundaries help each team (and component) do its job with minimal conflicts, mitigating the organizational instability that comes from everyone stepping on each other’s toes.

Keeping Business Logic Out of UI Components

Another key DDD principle is separating core business logic from presentation. In a healthy architecture, UI components should focus on how things look and feel, not on complex business decisions. DDD helps enforce this by encouraging layered designs (or hexagonal architecture) where domain logic lives in its own layer or service. The UI layer then communicates with the domain via well-defined APIs. This prevents the UI code from becoming a dumping ground for ad-hoc business rules.

Practically, this means designing UI components to be "dumb" (or presentational) wherever possible – they simply render data given to them – and keeping the "smart" decision-making in a domain layer or a container component. Consider a reusable UI component library: if such a library starts containing calculations for prices, date validations, or workflow logic, it becomes harder to reuse (since those rules might differ across contexts) and harder to maintain (a simple UI tweak could inadvertently break a business rule). By contrast, if you apply DDD thinking, the library’s components would expose **inputs and outputs that align with the Ubiquitous Language (shared domain terms), and any heavy lifting is done elsewhere (in domain services or state management).

This separation pays off in scalability and maintainability. When business rules change, you update the domain logic in one place rather than touching many UI components. The UI stays consistent and is less likely to break due to logic changes it shouldn’t have concerned itself with. As one expert advises: "for your own sake and the next developer’s, try to keep domain logic out of your controllers, views and [UI] components" ( Blazor - Where to put your domain logic). By following DDD, you naturally prevent excessive business logic from leaking into the UI, resulting in cleaner, more testable components. A button component doesn’t need to know how a refund is calculated; it just needs to call a service and display the result. This leads to a codebase where each piece has a single, clear purpose – UI for display and interaction, domain for business decisions – making the system easier to reason about.

Risks of Ignoring DDD: Bugs and Misalignment

What happens if you don’t apply these DDD principles? Inconsistent practices might continue, and the issues can compound as the system grows:

  • More Bugs and Unpredictable Behavior: When business logic sprawls into UI components or there are no clear boundaries, the codebase tends to experience a lot of code churn – constant rewrites and changes as different people touch the same code in inconsistent ways. Studies have found a "strong connection between high volumes of code churn and the number of defects" in a system (High code churn is not your friend | DrinkBird). In other words, if your code is in a constant state of structural flux, it’s easy for bugs to slip in. Every UI tweak might inadvertently affect a business rule and vice versa, leading to a fragile system. Without DDD-enforced structure, "the system lives in a constant state of flux where bugs are easily introduced" and knowledge disperses haphazardly (High code churn is not your friend | DrinkBird). The lack of clear ownership can mean nobody fully understands the feature, increasing the chance of mistakes.

  • Inconsistent Terminology and Confusion: In an unstructured environment, different teams or developers may use different terms for the same concept. For example, one team calls a key entity "Account" while another calls it "Organization" or "Customer" in the UI. This inconsistent language is more than just a naming annoyance – it causes real confusion for both developers and users. As one DDD practitioner notes, "Inconsistent terminology is a common source of confusion… Sometimes you find two [terms] in the same codebase, the UI using a third one!" (Domain Driven Design: Building a Common Language for Your Team - Paul Grau). Without a shared Ubiquitous Language (a core idea in DDD where everyone uses the same vocabulary for the domain), miscommunication can lead to bugs (e.g., a developer misunderstands a requirement because the terms were unclear) and a poor user experience (if labels and concepts aren’t aligned).

  • Lack of Shared Domain Understanding: Perhaps the biggest risk is that teams don’t have a unified mental model of the business domain. If every developer has a slightly different understanding of how a "Booking" or "Order" works, their code will reflect those differences, creating an inconsistent mess. DDD addresses this by getting domain experts and developers to refine a model together, but ignoring DDD often means domain knowledge is spread thinly and tribal knowledge reigns. In fact, a classic study found that a "thin spread of domain knowledge within development teams [is] one of the major problems in building large, complex systems" (
    Adam Tornhill's Programming Pages
    ). In practical terms, this means no one person or team grasps how the whole system should behave. Features built by different teams may not integrate well, edge cases get missed, and it’s hard to plan changes because there’s no single source of truth for business rules. You might also see the same logic duplicated in multiple places (since there was no central domain layer), which multiplies the bugs and maintenance effort.

Not applying DDD in a complex org can lead to a buggy, confusing system where each team speaks a "different language" and nobody has a clear big picture. These issues slow down development and erode trust in the code. DDD isn’t a magic bullet, but it directly tackles these problems by promoting a shared language, clear ownership of logic, and boundaries that confine the ripple effects of changes.

Incremental and Practical Adoption of DDD Principles

Adopting DDD principles doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing, overnight revolution. In fact, it’s often best done incrementally to avoid overwhelming the team or causing an abrupt process change. Here are some practical ways to introduce DDD concepts gradually:

  • Start with Language and Models: Begin by improving communication. Work with your team and domain experts to define a few key terms in your domain and make sure everyone uses them consistently (for example, decide once and for all if it’s called "Order" or "Purchase" in code and conversations). You can introduce the idea of a glossary or ubiquitous language document. This doesn’t require changing any code, but it sets the stage for design changes. It’s a quick win – even just renaming variables or components to the agreed terms can improve clarity.

  • Identify Pain Points (Seams) in the Code: Look for parts of the UI or library that are causing frequent bugs or are notoriously hard to change. These are good candidates to refactor using DDD ideas. For instance, if a certain component is doing too much (calculating data, calling APIs, and rendering UI all at once), that’s a "seam" where you could introduce a boundary. Maybe split it into a domain service (or state management logic) and a simpler UI component. You don’t have to refactor the whole app—just peel off one feature at a time. One strategy is to implement new features in a DDD-aligned way while leaving legacy code as-is for now. Over time, more of the system follows the new patterns. As a guide: "Not every part of the domain needs to conform to the new structure from the start. Over time introduce boundaries at points of frequent change or fragility." (How to Implement a Hexagonal Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide – TheLinuxCode). This targeted approach ensures you’re fixing the most impactful problems first.

  • Apply Layering in New Development: When building the next new component or feature, try using a layered approach (even if the whole project isn’t there yet). For example, create a service or module for business logic and keep the new UI component pure. Use this as a pilot to demonstrate the benefits. Over a few iterations, others will notice that this new code is easier to work with. This creates organic buy-in. It aligns with the advice that DDD "should be approached iteratively, allowing for adjustments based on feedback and changing business needs" (Kinda Technical | A Guide to Domain-Driven Design - Successful DDD Implementations). Think of each small step as a mini-experiment: learn from it and refine your approach in the next step.

  • Leverage Tools for Enforcement: If you have a monorepo or modular setup (for example, using Nx or Lerna), you can start organizing libraries by domain and adding automated enforcement. Some teams tag modules as domain, ui, etc., and use lint rules to prevent, say, a ui component from directly depending on a domain-agnostic util outside its context (Domain Driven Design Implementation Plainly - DEV Community). The goal isn’t to police developers, but to provide strong guidance and guard rails so they don’t accidentally introduce unwanted couplings. Over time, these structures become the norm.

By taking it step by step, you avoid the perception of DDD as a "big bang" re-architect. Instead, it feels like a natural evolution of the codebase. Remember that DDD is as much about how we think and communicate as how we code. So even discussions in planning meetings that gradually steer toward domain terms and away from low-level UI tweaks are part of the incremental adoption. Over time, these increments add up to a significantly more robust and well-organized system.

Structured, But Still Collaborative (Guiding Contributions)

One fear teams have with any structured approach is that it will impose rigid rules and hamper collaboration or creativity. It’s important to emphasize that enforcing structure doesn’t mean shutting people down – it means guiding everyone to contribute in a way that benefits the whole project long-term.

In fact, DDD by its nature is highly collaborative. One of its central ideas is the Ubiquitous Language, which is "a collaborative process involving all stakeholders… No single group owns the language; it’s built together and used by everyone" (Domain Driven Design: Building a Common Language for Your Team - Paul Grau). This ensures that developers, product managers, designers, and domain experts are all on the same page. Rather than each team doing their own thing in isolation (which can happen in a free-for-all codebase with no rules), DDD encourages cross-team dialogue about the domain. For example, if two teams share concepts (like "Customer" or "Inventory"), DDD would have them agree on definitions and boundaries for those concepts. This kind of structured discussion actually improves collaboration – it prevents siloed decisions that clash later.

When it comes to a UI component library, having structure means contributors will know where and how to add new components or enhancements. Think of it like contributing to a well-organized open-source library: there are contribution guidelines and a defined architecture, but those exist to maintain quality and coherence, not to reject ideas. Developers can certainly propose a new component or a change, but with DDD principles in place, the conversation will be guided: "Which bounded context does this belong to?", "Does this belong in the UI library or in the domain layer?", "What should we name this component so it aligns with our domain language?" These questions make sure the contribution fits nicely into the big picture, reducing the back-and-forth later to rework things.

Also, a structured approach can actually speed up onboarding and collaboration. New team members or contributors can read the docs to learn the domain terminology and the system’s partitioning. They don’t have to decode a tangled mix of UI and business code to figure out where to make a change – the boundaries are marked. This clarity lowers the barrier for any engineer to contribute meaningfully. Teams remain open to suggestions, but structure provides a compass so that suggestions and improvements head in a productive direction. One could say, DDD sets the stage so that collaboration is more about the ideas than fighting fires in the code. The focus shifts to "Does this solve the business problem?" rather than "Will this break something in that other module?", because the latter is less likely when the architecture is well-defined.

Finally, enforcement of structure can be done with a light touch. Encourage peer reviews to not just check code style, but also architectural fit. This is not about rejecting a contribution with "you put this in the wrong place, go away" – it’s about mentoring: "This logic is great, let’s move it to our domain service so the UI stays clean." In the long run, developers appreciate this guidance because they end up with code that’s easier to maintain. It’s a bit like having building codes for constructing a house – they might constrain some choices, but everyone understands it leads to a safer, more stable house. And all the builders (developers) can still be creative within those guidelines, collaborating to build something great.

Communicating DDD Benefits Without the Drama

When introducing DDD to other teams, how you communicate can determine whether you get alignment or pushback. It’s crucial to frame the conversation in a non-confrontational, inclusive way. Here are some tips to get everyone on board smoothly:

  • Share Problems, Then Solutions: Start by pointing out the pain points in the current setup that everyone can relate to. For instance, bring up that last incident where a small UI change broke a bunch of functionality, or the confusion over inconsistent naming that caused extra meetings. By focusing on the issues (not blaming anyone for them), you create a common cause. Then introduce DDD principles as solutions to those specific problems. For example: "We often see bugs because feature logic is scattered in our components. If we organize by domain and keep logic in one place, we could prevent those bugs." This way, DDD isn’t a random new fad—it’s directly tied to solving the team’s struggles.

  • Avoid Jargon Overload: While you and a few others might be excited about "bounded contexts" and "aggregates," those terms can sound foreign or intimidating to others. When talking to other teams, use plain language or relatable analogies. Instead of "bounded context," you might say "Let’s clearly separate the order management code from the inventory code, so each can evolve on its own." Instead of "ubiquitous language," say "We should all agree on the same names for things to avoid confusion." Once people see the logic, you can introduce the official terms in a workshop or document. The goal is understanding. If people understand the why, they’re more likely to accept the how.

  • Emphasize Benefits, Not Critique: Frame the adoption of DDD as a positive improvement, not a criticism of past work. For example: "Our codebase has served us well so far, but as we scale, we need a clearer structure. This approach will help us add features faster and catch bugs earlier." Highlight concrete benefits that matter to them: fewer bugs, easier code reviews, ability to reuse components, clearer requirements, etc. You can mention examples of other companies or projects (if you know any) that succeeded with a domain-driven approach, to give confidence that this isn’t unproven. The key is to show that this is about making everyone’s life easier. Nobody wants more process for its own sake, but they’ll listen if it solves daily headaches.

  • Be Patient and Show Progress: Changing architecture and mindset is a gradual process. A non-confrontational approach means you don’t press for 100% adoption overnight. Agree on some initial steps (maybe the incremental ones mentioned earlier) and set checkpoints. Celebrate small wins publicly: "Hey, since we introduced the new Order domain module, our order-related bugs dropped this month" or "The new component library structure allowed the Mobile team to reuse our component with no changes – great example of how clear boundaries help us." Positive reinforcement can win over skeptics more than any whitepaper. Over time, as people see the value, they’ll naturally align with the approach.

In all these communications, maintain a tone of respect and teamwork. It’s about aligning towards a common goal (high-quality, maintainable software) rather than implying anyone was "doing it wrong" before. By focusing on shared values – like code quality, velocity, and developer happiness – you can ensure that adopting DDD principles is viewed as a collective improvement effort, not an imposed mandate. This minimizes friction and builds a supportive environment for the changes to take root.


Domain-Driven Design can sound abstract at first, but at its core it’s about making software a better mirror of the business domain while keeping the technical complexity in check. For a reusable UI component library in a messy environment, DDD principles provide exactly what’s needed: clear boundaries (so components and teams don’t step on each other), separation of concerns (so UIs stay simple and logic stays correct), and a shared language (so everyone knows what we mean by "Order" or "Booking"). Adopting DDD doesn’t require a dramatic upheaval – you can fold it into your development process gradually, picking the parts that address your pain points one by one. By doing so, you’ll likely find that code quality improves, the rate of bugs goes down, and developers can move faster with confidence.

Most importantly, none of this comes at the cost of collaboration. In fact, you’ll communicate more and better – talking about the domain and design instead of firefighting issues. Teams remain empowered to contribute, now guided by a common vision of "how we design software here." In the long run, that shared discipline pays off as the codebase grows: it stays coherent, maintainable, and aligned with the business. DDD, when applied pragmatically, becomes less of a strict rulebook and more of a guiding philosophy that everyone buys into. It’s about creating a sustainable, quality-driven engineering culture. And for a mid-level engineer looking to make an impact, championing these ideas in a friendly, example-driven way can be a rewarding path to improving your organization’s software and the happiness of the team building it.

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